An internship is a short-term work experience that companies offer (usually) to college students. As a college student, yet to enter the working world, you are starting with a blank slate or in other words, you have a clean slate and the opportunity to fill it.
Some internships are paid, some are not. The important thing to be aware of is the potential of internships for young people. An internship allows students to test-drive a potential career path. Internships can lead to a fulltime job and career launching-pad. According to The Economist Magazine, (September 12, 2014), more than half of investment banking recruits at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs come through their internship program.
Even more impressive is the variety and range of fascinating internship opportunities. The major Hollywood studios have internship opportunities listed on their websites. The White House has an internship program as well. In fact, most every company you’ve ever heard of has an internship program.
If adventure is your thing, you might consider overseas internship opportunities. Become a divemaster with Caribbean Reef Buddy in Grenada. For nature lovers, you might enjoy saving the Amazon with Hoja Nueva in Peru. If all this sounds a bit too overwhelming, consider a piece of advice from Richard Branson:
If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.